Why is doing the F*** you want only reserved for a few? (In Film) Doing the f*** you want is something that most of us do or did in a regular basis at least while we were young. The question of this blog post is if you can still, should and want to do the […]
Taxi Driver: A visual analysis Taxi driver – Análisis Visual de FitoRidao Here I leave you a visual analysis of the film Taxi Driver, written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese and how the story unfolds with Robert de Niro. It is in spanish but you get the idea… Taxi Driver Visual Analysis […]
ProTools 12 most usual Crashes Solved Most of the crashes I have experienced in ProTools 12 are video engine problems as well as having other issues with the program when playback and preferences related issues. So in this post I will keep it short and simple for a step by step guide on how to […]
How to MIX your movie. Set your Mixing Workstation. (How loud DX, BG, SFX?) In this post I won’t ramble on on how a movie should be mixed by following some industry standard principles which apply to all the films ever made. In this post I will keep it short and simple. The […]
What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]
How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps) First of all if you don’t remember what foley was and you need to take a peek, do it here. In here I cover what foley is and where in the process of audio post-production lies exactly. Well, let’s suppose you are about to begin the […]
Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide) One of the most important things when planifying the post process of a feature film is what ORDER is the most efficient to follow of them all. In here we will talk about which is the most common order for audio post-production: Dialogue editing ADR […]
Sync Dialogue in Premiere Pro and export AAF to Pro Tools (3 STEPS) The key question here is: You have finished shooting your short, documentary or feature film and you have as well already edited your film but only the visual part (if this is the way you come around it). Now you would like […]
ProTools Editing Principles for Filmmaking Pro Tools 12.5 Here I leave you a list of the key principles you will use when editing and mixing sound for film, therefore and without further delay here it is… Quick Steps when Creating a New Session: Step 1: NAME THE TRACK (SET A MASTER FADER FIRST WHEN CREATING […]
NETFLIX will disappear in ten years time NETFLIX is a big guy right now in 2019. But will this always be the case? My take on it is that if Netflix continues to be interested in movies and series, they will have to face big challenges that may end the life of the company. Let […]
How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend […]
4 Steps to become a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]
What determines the VALUE of STUFF… How Much is Your Movie is Worth? I believe that the value of stuff is given by the service or use it provides to society. It is about how much does society need that particular product. The price of a shirt Ok, so if I need a shirt in […]
You’ve finished your Screenplay and IT SUCKS – WHAT to do This post will be structured in a way so that you ask yourself the necessary questions that propel you to make the necessary changes to your first, second or third draft that you don’t get to make it work. Questions that need an answer: […]
Learn Film in Class vs by Doing I think that most this so obvious quea that most of the time gets ignored oe forgotten. Not forgotten in an intellectual kind of way but more in the true meaning, practical sense of the word. So what do I mean with that? I mean that most people […]