
Do the F### you want in film? (only for a few)

Why is doing the F*** you want only reserved for a few? (In Film)

Doing the f*** you want is something that most of us do or did in a regular basis at least while we were young. The question of this blog post is if you can still, should and want to do the f*** you want when directing/writing/doing a film.

So, can you do the f*** you want when directing/writing/doing a film?

What do you think?

It is only reserved for a few. A few that, no one knows how, have managed to do the tedious film they have envisioned and nevertheless got a positive response from the public. This is very rare.

An example of this type of cinema is Béla Tarr, a Hungarian filmmaker that is capable of making a very slow paced, not to say boring, type of cinema that is usually nominated for best picture in Cannes for La Palme d’Or.

Unless you want to make this type of cinema, only reserved for a few and a cinema that most people do not even care about or know of its existence, you should want to try to polish whatever idea you have in your head and make an understandable story that engages the audience.

The truth is that we depend on an audience as filmmakers and creators, so it is reasonable to say that we should at least make something that we as an audience would like to enjoy.  If the answer to that very difficult problem is still to make something only reserved for a few because you feel that this is what you would like to watch if you were the audience, then go ahead and try to pull it off. But I must say that you shall do so masterfully, as for most people it will seem as an unpolish unfinished product that never caught no one’s attention and never saw the light.


Do the F### you want in film? (only for a few)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Do the F### you want in film? (only for a few)

Why is doing the f*** you want only reserved for a few? (In Film) Doing the f*** you want is something that most of us do or did in a regular basis at least while we were young. The question of this blog post is if you can still, should and want to do the […]


What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

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What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

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How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

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4 Steps to become a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tonny Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it:

  • Repression
  • Regression
  • Projection
  • Reaction formation
  • Sublimation 

Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are different ways in which one might go around it.

We humans use the processes stated above to handle such anxiety and pressure that are threat.  These defense mechanisms may result in healthy or unhealthy consequences depending on the circumstances, but most of these mechanisms are triggered by our unconscious part of our mind.


You are a “SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR” that runs a successful business and all of the sudden you find yourself thinking why you are doing what you are doing, “that you are not worthy enough, that you should quit and that you won’t be able to face difficult challenges” as you have managed to handle in the past.

This is almost always an irrational and too general conclusion about oneself that most of us have face some time in their life.

Our unconscious mind then reacts to this irrational conclusion about ourselves because it’s job it’s mainly to protect us from any harm that may come upon us. So our mind defends itself by choosing one of the following defense mechanisms.

Defense Mechanisms: What do they do?

  • Repression: “burying a painful feeling or thought from one’s awareness even though it may resurface in a symbolic form” (Wikipedia, 2019)

This is the stereotypical “successful businessman” that goes about his day doing the same things as before but not performing at his best because he, all of the sudden, deep inside of him, the thought of him not being worthy enough or not good enough is starting to grow.

When you ask him if something is wrong, he will answer you that “everything is OK”. If you accuse him of him thinking that he is not worthy enough, he will deny it.

  • Regression: “falling back into an early state of mental/physical development seen as less demanding and safer.” (Wikipedia, 2019)

In this case, “The successful business man” will out of the blue quit the job and return to his parent’s house for no good reason other than he lives a much more quieter and peaceful life at his parent’s, like when he was thirteen.

  • Projection: “possessing a feeling that is designed as socially unacceptable and instead of facing it, that feeling or “unconscious urge” is seen in the actions of other people.” (Wikipedia, 2019)

Here, “the successful businessman” will tease other people for not having enough confidence in themselves, he will rationalize every social interaction by reasoning that it is a lack of confidence the reason why this person is not giving all he has got for a particular job, when the truth might be as simple as that he had to spend the weekend at the hospital because his father was sick. As absurd as that it can get.

  • Reaction formation: “acting the opposite way that the unconscious instructs a person to behave, “often exaggerated and obsessive”.” (Wikipedia, 2019)

This is one of the funniest ones. Imagine the same “successful business man” that has a lack of confidence, one of the ways to go around It is, although your unconscious mind is telling you “you are nothing and you don’t deserve anything”, you start to taking conscious actions like coming too strongly to people, dressing with bright colors, saying out loud every opinion comes to your head and taking a new accent because that’s what you think what confident people do.

There is also the other type, the one that does his research about what confident people do,


FINDS: “9 Qualities of Remarkably Confident People


AND studies the 9 traits to become “confident”.

This is not a bad thing, but in most cases it won’t come out as organic if one is continuously thinking what a confident person would do in my situation.

Confident people don’t think about what a confident person might do in his situation. They just find the right answers to that organically because that is the way they feel about it.

As simple as that.

  • Sublimation: “seen as the most acceptable of the mechanisms, an expression of anxiety in socially acceptable ways.” (Wikipedia, 2019)

If the successful entrepreneur/businessman were to sublimate his sudden lack of confidence, he might find creative and new ways to rediscover his true potential, by taking on great risk and responsibilities, step by step, that will help him work out the confidence muscle to a point where he is fit again to fight the fight.

So do not worry, take it step by step, do things that PROGRESSIVELY will boost your confidence, there is no fast lane to get there, just a personal journey that develops over time.

Hope you liked it, see you next time!

What to Do when DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

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What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

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How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION , , , , Leave a Comment on 4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

4 Steps to be a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

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KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)


In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever.

The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most of his time in some sort of virtual reality.

It is very different to create a story that lasts two hours from a story that lasts two months. Now imagine if you had to create a story that will have to last years…

This is where AI (Artificial Intelligence) comes in.

If you had to create stories for players that would want to play for years in a total immersive environment, the most probable thing is that you will develop a mechanism to make that sustainable.

Therefore, the most probable thing that were to happen if we had the technology (that we eventually will have) is to let A.I. continue the story. As it is a machine that understands as well as you how the story that has been created works. And maybe it is capable of making better than his creators.

It is just a matter of time that A.I. takes up most of the work. Transportation accounts for around 12% of the economy and now, with the invention of autonomous cars, it is just a matter of time that all of those workers in the transportation sector face unemployment.

Imagine a world where A.I. could be implemented in any area of our lives, for any kind of work. And not only that, but machines would do the job 100 times better than us…

What then?

My guess is that, although this can cause dangerous and tense situations for our society, we will manage to overcome them. Because we have always done it and because we will keep doing it. It is in our nature to survive no matter how tense or dangerous the situation.

So in the end, my guess is that, although well-being will be as good as never before, most people will have a lot of time to kill. This will translate into more time spent in some sort of entertainment. My guess is virtual reality.

And the experience of virtual reality will be way better than watching a movie. In fact, watching a movie would be “vintage” or an old thing that we or our kids used to do but our grandchildren do not really find it cool anymore.

Virtual reality will be the new cool. It will be the thing.

That’s where I think stories are headed.

Storytellers will abandon cinema and Netflix series for the sake the new, better and more profitable market that will dominate the world: virtual reality.

All of these topics and matters I study them in depth in my new book that I am currently working on. So if you are interested on what my take is on what will happen and how storytellers will have to adapt and focus on to still be ahead of the curve, stay tuned for when it’s going to come out!

See you next time!



What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]



How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION , , , Leave a Comment on How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]



4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

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4 Steps to be a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]



Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]



For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]



Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

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KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

4 Steps to become a Master at Anything!

The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are:

  • Unconscious incompetence
  • Conscious incompetence
  • Conscious competence
  • Unconscious competence

So what all of this mean?

What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, story, cinema, storytelling or any other discipline related to film that that is what this webpage is all about?

Well, the reason is that these are universal Steps that any person, no matter how intelligent, has to go through in order to become a trueaster at what they do.

Some people master a skill in less time than others but every single person must begin somewhere. In this case everyone begins by being a unconscious incompetent.

Unconscious Incompetence

An unconscious incompetent it’s the first stage of becoming a master. In this stage you do not master the skill and neither you are capable of identifying what you’re doing wrong.

This is the stage where most guitarists beggin. They do not know how to play the guitar (it sounds horrible by the way) and neither they are capable of identifying what they’re doing wrong. This means that they cannot improve as they do not know what or how they can fix what they’re doing wrong.

This is the first stage for becoming a master at anything.

Conscious Incompetence

In this stage you have already become conscious of what it is that you’re doing wrong.

This means that you already know what to fix and how to fix it but you still play the guitar and it sounds like sh**.

The key here is that the more you practice and the more you correct those faults that stop you from playing the guitar and sounding great, the more close you will be to the next stage of mastering any skill.

This is the second stage for becoming a master at anything.

Conscious Competence

This stage is when you already know how to play the guitar and make it sound wonderful, but you still need to think about where to put your fingers to make it sound beautifully.

The problem with this stage and why it’s far from mastery is that it is still slow.

If you have to be thinking of what you’re doing next, this means that you won’t go as fast, as you need to be thinking about two separate things at the same time: what you are currently doing and what you will do next.

Nevertheless, although slow, we can already hear you play the guitar wonderfully.

Unconscious Competence

This is the stage for masters.

Here only mastery is allowed.

Only VIP members.

This is the stage where you do not even have to think about playing the guitar. It is the stage where somebody gives you a guitar and you just play without thinking about it.

You know whether you are doing it right or wrong, you are aware of what you’re doing but in a much more subtle way. The unconscious way.

This means that your mind is travelling way faster than when you were a conscious competent and that every decision, every action is decided unconsciously, through a process much more intuitive and faster than the conscious mind, allowing you conscious mind to worry about other more important things that need more thought.

It’s so fast and intuitive like tying your shoelaces.

You don’t think about it.

You just do it.

You just feel it.

You’ve mastered it.

You have become a master at it.

What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION , , , Leave a Comment on How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION , , , , Leave a Comment on 4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

4 Steps to become a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms.

In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character.

In the end the artist is trying to communicate through a medium that it’s confined to a frame, selected images and the omission of almost all the boring parts of real life and of many of the traits of a person’s real life in order to tell a story in the time frame of 2 hours.

So it is inevitable to think that one way or another the medium omits lot’s of pieces of information that hide the “true essence” of an idea, a character or a real life story about something.

What does all of that mean?!

Let’s take simple logical steps and reason our way up from there.

Is the movie about a person’s life superficial?

We’ll, it is as simple as thinking about if we as an audience get to watch a whole life take place in 2 hours within the limits of a screen.

This might be the case of the life of Benjamin Button or any other film that it’s a biography about somebody’s life. (The Wolf of Wall Street, American Sniper, Theory of Everything, The Social Network, etc.)

Imagine that the person the story is about lived for 80 years and that the movie is a kind of biography about the man. Maybe in the first 30 minutes into the film we see him grow up until he is a young adult. Half way into the film we see him grow until he is 40 years old and by the end of the film we see he has reached his last years as an old man of 80 years old.

My question then is: do you think that in the first 30 minutes of film we can really see this man’s whole life? Do we know everything about him? Or are we watching a selection of the most important images of his life? Are we watching everything that happened in 30 years of his life in 30 minutes or is it just a summary?

The answer is quite obvious. We are watching a selection of the most important moments of this man’s life, but not his life as a whole and in detail. For that we would need a life that takes 30 years to experience the 30 years of this man’s life in detail. And even like that we wouldn’t be able to feel what he feels, think what he thinks, because we would still be an audience that is experiencing his life through a screen.

Is the movie about a specific event superficial?

In the same way we cannot experience the life of a man like the man himself, we as an audience have to fill in the gaps of all the missing parts to understand the movie as a whole. We don’t have to watch everything that happened in a person’s life to get in touch with what his life looked like. We are pretty good as imaginative and logical human beings at filling in the gaps to really grasp the essence of a story. Even if it is through a superficial medium we can reach by filling the gaps, the “true essence” of the story.

Within this category we find something movies like 127 hours, Sully,The Aviator, etc.

As we cannot really experience a story in a true objective way, we always need a point of view from which the story is told and from where is, as an audience, get to experience the story.

There are several ways to experience a story; as a main character, as a secondary character, as a character outside the story or even as an omniscient narrator that can change point of views and experience the situation from several angles.

And even as a omniscient narrator we are always looking at the story through the eyea of someone else. Even if that someone else is the author of the story. We are always perceiving the story through the eyes of someone else, giving great importance to some things and leaving many that seemed unimportant behind. It is impossible to do otherwise in a time frame of 2 hours.

So is it superficial? Well, it is sure that they are not the true events from an objective point of view. In that sense it is the superficial narration of a specific event. Because it is impossible to do otherwise. We, as an audience, are not living those events, we are being witnesses of what is said that happened but we don’t ever get to experience those actual events because they have already happened. For a story, those events already took place, that means they are now in the past. What is left for an audience is to be witnesses of the story, nothing else.

So why do we do that? Why do we love worries so much?

Because we are very curious, curiosity drives us, we need to know, we want to know how to guide our lives, fill in the missing parts and get a sense of the story in hand because it is like a virtual training for us, human beings, to face the chaos of real life.

So what is left is, are we always witnesses of a story or active participants?

That brings me to the last question of this post.

Is the movie about an idea superficial?

In fact, this is why we love stories so much. Because they trigger something in our heads, they get us going in a particular direction. We follow ideas that are suggested through the storyline to in the end find out something about ourselves or about world that we live in (may the world be abstract and imaginary or physical and surrounding us).

This is where Andrei Tarkovsky’s films come in to play. They are movies about ideas. Not really about characters… Not really about situations… Not really about a plot…

The question here is if you can represent an idea through the medium that is film.

If you believe that the answer to that question is yes, you will someway or another end up creating ways to represent certain concepts, through symbols, through characters’ attitudes, etc.

In the end you’ll be doing just what has been said, trying to represent a concept, an idea…

In the end it will still be a representation and never the idea itself. In that sense it will always be a representation, in that sense superficial, and never The Idea itself.

The key thing here is, because the medium forces us, the creator, to create a “superficial” story (meaning it won’t be the idea, the true events or the character itself) and just a representation, to try to create a story where filling the gaps and the resulting conclusion of filling in the gaps it’s the most important part of the film with the overall feeling that leaves the film in the audience.

That was a tough post to write, I’m open to ideas and discussions about the topic. See you next time!


What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

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How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

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4 Steps to become a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

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For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

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KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day

“If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.”

That’s what Tonny Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day.

2 Kinds of People

That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. Other people may need more than that to be with oneself.

If you write, whatever kind of writer you are you know that writers are by innate nature or influenced by the nature of the job (or the two), lonely people.

This doesn’t mean that they don’t like people or that they are desperately searching for human contact. This simply means that they do not need to spend as much time as other people do with other people. I hope that makes sense.


If you want to become a screenwriter and tell stories that people want to hear, you need to get in tune real nice with what is happening with life. You need to observe carefully. As close as you can.

Nobody want to hear what they already know. People want to be surprised and captivated with an aspect of life that they haven’t experienced yet. They want to feel part of something much deeper and greater than everyday life. If so they want re-experience everyday life through a new different perspective.

A New Perspective

So look closely at what most people take for granted or they don’t even know it exists. Something that touches us humans everywhere around the world. Something that unites us while enhancing the uniqueness of our individuality.

Writers know about what all this abstract concepts represent, because they fill in the gaps, they create a story that explains the rest that is not being said.

It is what people are searching for in a story. Not the characters. Not the world. Not the story. It is what that story represents. It is what that story means. It is how story makes you feel. It is how that story changes you.

It is why that story is meaningful.

And to find the answers for all those questions of how to do it, it takes time.

At least an hour to yourself to observe life closely enough to notice what everyone else doesn’t.

Practice makes the master.


What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

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What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

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How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

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4 Steps to become a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

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KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

When you drown

For this particular post I must beggin with a quote:

We suffer more in imagination than in reality

Why this quote?

Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic.

The truth is that most events and situations in life do not present themselves with a tag that categorarizes them as good or bad. It is in fact us that after having lived them we look back at them as good or bad.

So does knowing this help when you’re drowning? (We mean metaphorically, although that the same principles could be applied for situations such as drowning)

Well, it comes real handy when a stressful situation or high pressure situation comes around the block.


Imagination vs Reality

If you can tell in a stressful situation what is an imaginary threat and what is an actual threat you are way ahead of most avarege people. This implies that you have been able to think your way rationally out of a problem. This is easier said than done.

In order to think your way out of a problem the first thing you need to do is control your emotions, don’t let your impulsive instinct dominate you and your mind.

1 Option: Meditation

Meditation is great for really being in tune with your emotions and your reactions so you know exactly when an emotion is going to be triggered and how you can concentrate on more important stuff.

If you’re not very keen on meditation, are there any other ways to achieve this state of mind?

The answer is YES!

2 Option: Case Scenario (A Military Tactic)

What you need to do is imagine the worst case scenario that you can. In the most detailed way possible.

How can this help anyway?

What this does in your brain and to your emotions is that by painting a picture of the worst case scenario in your head you can more easily overcome them. You can foresee more clearly how the worst case scenarios would look like and how you could overcome them or at least minimize their emotional impact.

This is a technique essentially identical to the one that pilots from the US Air Force apply when they’re under extremely dangerous situations.

What they do is picture the:

  • Worst case scenario
  • Best case scenario
  • Most likely

What this does in 3 simple questions is prepare the pilot for all most important possible outcomes in a clear state of mind, helping them to choose the most logical and reasonable decision.

So when you’re under big pressure try to ask yourself what is the worst, the best and the most likely case scenario and act reasonably.

Fly high and see you next time!


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on 4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

4 Steps to be a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


WORK While You’re ASLEEP

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on WORK While You’re ASLEEP

WORK While You’re ASLEEP Sleep! We humans need to sleep. Period. There is no way around that. Haven’t you had the necessity in the morning to start right away with work? Work while you sleep Well, there is a way to program your brain so it works while you’re asleep. It doesn’t mean either that […]


WORK While You’re ASLEEP

WORK While You’re ASLEEP


We humans need to sleep. Period. There is no way around that.

Haven’t you had the necessity in the morning to start right away with work?

Work while you sleep

Well, there is a way to program your brain so it works while you’re asleep.

It doesn’t mean either that you will move while you’re asleep and that you can cook the meal of tomorrow, do sport, work on your computer or nothing like that.

But that does not necessarily mean that those 8 hours of sleep you are doing nothing. You are sleeping and that’s a lot.

Lucid Dreams

There are certain ways you can trigger dreams and as well ways through which you can trigger the dreams you want to have. Some people get to have lucid dreams where they actually are awake inside a dream.

The way to have lucid dreams is by really being in touch with reality so your brain can reproduce it in your imagination while you’re sleeping. For that you want to do reality checks. This means that you want to remember the feel of your hand (right and left), try to push a finger through the palm of your hand, do not use screens before going to bed, set an alarm for before the time that you usually wake up (this will help you with remembering your dream), be awake with your eyes closed, don’t try to move, etc.

There are many web pages that go through the whole process of lucid dreaming. But the goal of this post is to discuss the advantages of managing the hours that you are asleep.

Control your dreams

So like we said before, you can manage your time while you are asleep and it is very simple.

Say that you want to be prepared creatively for the next morning because you have done your research but you don’t have a clue about what you’re going to write on that daunting blanck first page of your screenplay. Don’t worry. We all have been there. And the good thing about it is that it won’t be daunting anymore if you follow a method.

I never stress about a blanck page, because I have always something to write about. This is not good luck or that I am very talented. It is because I am methodical. Just that.

So this is how I do it.

Meditation Method

I always, before going to sleep, meditate. I meditate about myself, my beloved ones and the things I desire. Within the things I desire I think about what I have researched and I think about if I have an opinion about it. In this stage of you judge yourself, then you’re really lost. Just NOT judge yourself. If you have an opinion don’t be ashamed about it, just accept it. If on the other hand you do not have a definite opinion, don’t force one. It is what it is.

Then after having done some meditation I verbalize what I want to do, or that I want it to be done. Do not think about the how, now focus on the what. The how will come by it’s self.

For instance, before going to sleep and having done my meditation, I verbalize that which I desire: I want to write five pages tomorrow. That is a what. Do not focus on if that five pages have to be an awesome 5 pages. That is the how. You don’t control that because you rely on I inspiration, so don’t worry about if they’re going to be any good those 5 pages.

Having done that relax, lie down and sleep.

This way you liberate your mind of those unnecessary worries that will follow you in your dreams and in the morning you’ll have a cleared mind to focus on what you have dreamt. And this is the good part. If you have done this correctly and for a period of time, you will most likely dream about something related about that which you were focusing the moment before you went to bed.

So try it out, cause you have nothing to loose!

See you next time dreamers!


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on 4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

4 Steps to be a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


WORK While You’re ASLEEP

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on WORK While You’re ASLEEP

WORK While You’re ASLEEP Sleep! We humans need to sleep. Period. There is no way around that. Haven’t you had the necessity in the morning to start right away with work? Work while you sleep Well, there is a way to program your brain so it works while you’re asleep. It doesn’t mean either that […]


How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking

How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking Meditation it’s a practice that is becoming more and more popular. Nevertheless, it is something that some people frown upon in disbelief. The reason why this happens is that most likely they haven’t tried it or they have but they have stopped before it gets near interesting. And that […]


How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking

How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking

Meditation it’s a practice that is becoming more and more popular. Nevertheless, it is something that some people frown upon in disbelief. The reason why this happens is that most likely they haven’t tried it or they have but they have stopped before it gets near interesting.

And that is a sad thing because most people when they realize it has made an impact on their lives, they don’t want to give it up. It is that addictive when you reach a certain level.

How does it work?

Meditation is not a religious thing. It is a method through which anyone can come to terms with their own mind.

It is all about focus.

There is a great video by a Buddhist monk that sums up what meditation is all about in a very simple way. Here it is!

So it is a simple as giving your mind a task that he can work on.  It’s about telling your monkey mind to get to focus on something, and about you telling when the monkey mind gets distracted to focus again on the task at hand.

In theory it is very simple. In practice it is a whole other story. If you want to meditate for 5 minutes while you are on your way home in the bus, it is easy. But if you want to meditate for 5 hours straight, it is quite of a challenge.

Maybe for you it isn’t necessary to meditate for 5 hours straight because you’re not a Buddhist monk but you would like to get interesting ideas that are difficult to catch if you do not meditate for a minimum of 20 minutes, full concentration…

How to actually meditate?

I personally sit on my bed or in a chair.

Always keep an upright position.

And from there what I normally do is close my eyes and focus on my breathing. It is easier said than done. I focus on every breath. When it goes in to my lungs… When it goes out through my mouth…

I do this for almost 3 – 5 minutes and then when I’m trully relaxed I focus on the “topic” at hand. It can be any aspect of the film I want; the characters, the world, the dialogue, etc.

When I know that my mind is going to start wondering I let my mind navigate freely through the film, exploring every detail it can possibly think of. But I have to be honest, this will never be a piece of cake if you haven’t done the necessary research before.

So check before doing any meditation on your movie our posts on research&world.

Meditation is a search, a search within, so if you search within yourself and you have already done your research you will find your own unique point of view and style to make a movie that is truly yours and unique.

So keep it up and see you next time!


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on 4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

4 Steps to be a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


WORK While You’re ASLEEP

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on WORK While You’re ASLEEP

WORK While You’re ASLEEP Sleep! We humans need to sleep. Period. There is no way around that. Haven’t you had the necessity in the morning to start right away with work? Work while you sleep Well, there is a way to program your brain so it works while you’re asleep. It doesn’t mean either that […]


How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking

How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking Meditation it’s a practice that is becoming more and more popular. Nevertheless, it is something that some people frown upon in disbelief. The reason why this happens is that most likely they haven’t tried it or they have but they have stopped before it gets near interesting. And that […]


Why DREAMS Are So Important?!

Why DREAMS Are So Important?!

Dreams are the purest form of fantasy.

Although they resemble a lot to reality, they are nevertheless fictitious.

Dreams are important for filmmakers?

Dreams are the gate to a different world that shares so much with this world that sometimes it is really hard to spot the difference between a thought and a fact. The more you dive in within self the more you’ll understand that the reality that we consider by itself real, is in fact a projection of one’s mind. This projection is influenced by our mindset, our attitude towards life and towards what happens around us.

So, what is really the difference between whatching a movie on a big screen in a dark room and imagining it while dreaming or meditating.

The truth is that the difference is the gate through which you enter that same fictitious world. And it goes as simple as: the more familiar you are with the gate, the more quickly you enter this fictitious world.

Each different gate has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Dreams make for the 8 hours of unproductivity that we need in other to be productive. This means that there is no way around it. We as humans beings need to sleep. Period.

But does that necessarily mean that the hours you sleep are unproductive? Well it depends if you know how to manage your dreams, if you know to program yourself to dream about certain things you are interested and if you in the end know how to have dreams on a daily basis and remember them in the morning.

Meditation is a conscious method that helps the mind focus on certain things that he can explore, expand and transform. It is a process similar to dreams but closer to consciousness than unconsciousness. But that doesn’t mean that the subconscious does not play a major role.

How do I get in with meditation?

We have a post that talks about this process, go on and check it out here.

But for this post we’ll sum up some of the key points you have to consider before trying out meditation and getting to the conclusion that it is not for you.

If you have experienced the feeling of being just right there, right on time, and on fire, that means that you are probably experiencing the now. That is what meditation is about.

Your mind is like a crazy monkey. He sees a banana and wants to eat it. But then he sees other monkeys doing something climbing up a tree and wants to do the same thing. So he leaves the banana behind and climbs the tree. Then he realizes that after climbing the tree he is still hungry because he didn’t eat the whole banana, but he wants to profit from the view of climbing the tree but he climbs down the tree to get his banana back and climb up again to profit from the view… you get the point.

Normally this is how our mind works. It is always trying to put out fires. It is a disperse mind, not a focused one.

So what meditation is all about is about; telling the monkey inside your head to relax and focus on a task. And whenever he gets distracted with something else, tell him to come back to the task at hand.

It sounds easy but in practice it is much more difficult. And the only way to be a pro in true concentration is with practice.

How do I get in while sleeping?

We have a post that talks about this process, go on and check it out here.

But to sum-up, what you want to do is focus yourself on that thing you are interested in and that you want to explore. It might be a subject, the theme of your new screenplay or the characters of your film that you yet haven’t figured out.

This a similar process to meditation but if you are focused takes less time than the meditation sessions of 10 min a day that we recommend.

Which gate should I use?

My advice is that you should try out both. Both look similar but each one fits a certain type of situation.

I personally use both of them. I meditate before going to sleep and this helps me to always hit the bed with the right calmed mindset. I sleep better and more relaxed than ever before. It is not magic. At first the difference isn’t as great, but with time you’ll get to a point where you will sleep like a baby every night no matter what.


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on 4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

4 Steps to be a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]


Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


WORK While You’re ASLEEP

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on WORK While You’re ASLEEP

WORK While You’re ASLEEP Sleep! We humans need to sleep. Period. There is no way around that. Haven’t you had the necessity in the morning to start right away with work? Work while you sleep Well, there is a way to program your brain so it works while you’re asleep. It doesn’t mean either that […]


How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking

How To Do Meditation For Filmmaking Meditation it’s a practice that is becoming more and more popular. Nevertheless, it is something that some people frown upon in disbelief. The reason why this happens is that most likely they haven’t tried it or they have but they have stopped before it gets near interesting. And that […]