
A Long Way To Go

A Long Way To Go

Things have real value in life are things that take time.

That’s that.

There is no overnight success that doesn’t come with a price to pay. Every dream that is dreamt to be big are the ones that really take a life to execute. It is what nowadays is called a life purpose. That motivation that makes you stay clear in your head. It is the horizon that keeps your picture of the world straight when almost everything is crooked.

There isn’t a long way to anywhere if your destination isn’t enough far away.

It is about staying in the game.

There is no winning or loosing.

You cannot get there first because you are not competing against anyone. No one else has the same dreams as you as no one else has the same desires and necessities as you do. Everyone is different. Everybody aims to different targets.

You should enjoy the journey. That means that you should take something out of grinding, of hustling to get where you want to be. Because motion it’s what motivates you. It is not that you were not alright right where you were. It is not because you’ll be better when you get there. It is that you thrive for motion. A life that moves. Only for the sake of moving. Without really serious expectations of the future. Finding the right balance between taking your job seriously and not having to great expectations about what you are doing while dreaming big. That’s a daily challenge. It is a mental puzzle you need to revise daily. And that is what keeps you sane.

It is about planning your way. Plan each step of the way so you are prepared when chance comes knocking at your door and so that problems only seem challenges to be overcomed. It is like building a wall in the middle of the desert. You lay ever brick as well as you can. Each single brick. And one day find out that you’ve built something in the middle of nowhere.

There will be days that you’ll think that you’ve all built it for nothing. But if you are clear on WHY you do it, you’ll find out that it was necessary, that it needed to be done.

It is the absurd. The feeling that invades you suddenly. That gives you the necessary perspective to know that it has no logical explanation why you chose to do that with your time but nevertheless you strongly feel the need to do it.


A Long Way To Go

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A Long Way To Go Things have real value in life are things that take time. That’s that. There is no overnight success that doesn’t come with a price to pay. Every dream that is dreamt to be big are the ones that really take a life to execute. It is what nowadays is called […]


Why Story?

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Why Story? Great Content We are a business that focuses on bringing what we believe is great content. Because we believe that by delivering great content to which people can relate and empathise with help people be motivated and have the necessary thrust to start writing their own story. We NEED Stories This we believe […]


What Do We Want?

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What Do We Want? We believe that in order to give a great service we need to be clear on who we are and what do we want. This post will try to answer that question. In short what we want is to offer great content in whatever form possible and that we find interesting […]


What Do We Stand For?

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What Do We Stand For? We think that in order to make incredible things, we need to agree on some general values and principles that guide us in a certain direction. And in the end it is about a group of people that have certain beliefs that they share and that try to put something […]


Who Are We?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Who Are We?

Who Are We? We are basically a bunch of young people like these trying to find our way into the industry: We are young but we think that that isn’t an excuse or a wall that stops us from achieving something greater than ourselves. We’re kind of optimistic. But not optimistic in the sense of […]


Why Story?

Why Story?

Great Content

We are a business that focuses on bringing what we believe is great content. Because we believe that by delivering great content to which people can relate and empathise with help people be motivated and have the necessary thrust to start writing their own story.

We NEED Stories

This we believe it is true because we know that story is the foundation of any civilisation, it is what culture is based on. Religion is a story to organise civilisations’ beliefs . Culture is a story that revolves around common beliefs within a community. Marketing is a story told by businessmen to make consumers buy. Whether that is religion, culture, marketing, everything is a story that is being told and it’s up to you if you believe it or not.

Follow Your Passion

Story is something that excites us, that moves us, that touches us in the core of our soul, it is what motivates us to wake up excited in the morning because a new day has started and that means a step closer to our objective. All of that to know that the really important thing here is the journey. The people we meet along the way. What we live during that journey.

Share it with everyone you meet

Because we believe that by following our passion and sharing it with everyone we meet, we can create of the world a more exciting place to live.


A Long Way To Go

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on A Long Way To Go

A Long Way To Go Things have real value in life are things that take time. That’s that. There is no overnight success that doesn’t come with a price to pay. Every dream that is dreamt to be big are the ones that really take a life to execute. It is what nowadays is called […]


Why Story?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Why Story?

Why Story? Great Content We are a business that focuses on bringing what we believe is great content. Because we believe that by delivering great content to which people can relate and empathise with help people be motivated and have the necessary thrust to start writing their own story. We NEED Stories This we believe […]


What Do We Want?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on What Do We Want?

What Do We Want? We believe that in order to give a great service we need to be clear on who we are and what do we want. This post will try to answer that question. In short what we want is to offer great content in whatever form possible and that we find interesting […]


What Do We Stand For?

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What Do We Stand For? We think that in order to make incredible things, we need to agree on some general values and principles that guide us in a certain direction. And in the end it is about a group of people that have certain beliefs that they share and that try to put something […]


Who Are We?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Who Are We?

Who Are We? We are basically a bunch of young people like these trying to find our way into the industry: We are young but we think that that isn’t an excuse or a wall that stops us from achieving something greater than ourselves. We’re kind of optimistic. But not optimistic in the sense of […]


What Do We Want?

What Do We Want?

We believe that in order to give a great service we need to be clear on who we are and what do we want. This post will try to answer that question.

In short what we want is to offer great content in whatever form possible and that we find interesting for the public. It is a general statement because we want to have the biggest impact we can.

What we want is to inspire people to create stories that touch people’s soul.

We believe that there is a lot that is not being said that can be said, discovered and seen.

This is where we come in. We want to tell stories that are of use for all kind of people around the world. We want to recreate, redefine the rules of the game. Push forward the boundaries of filmmaking. Give the art that is filmmaking the splendor of the arts of the Renaissance. Blend technique with artistry, philosophy with story, ideas with inspiration.

One of those old rules is that a filmmaking business should limit itself to a certain type of media type. May that be television, film, video clips, books, etc.

We don’t want to be that. We want to be on as many form, platforms and ways as possible as long as they communicate, that they give meaning to the world around us.

The goal is to fill people with purpose but not in an imposing way. We want to be able to create stories that stimulate thought that give the necessary tools for people to think about their lives, their goals, their desires and help them in the best way we possibly can.

And that we believe it is with our passion that is storytelling.


A Long Way To Go

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on A Long Way To Go

A Long Way To Go Things have real value in life are things that take time. That’s that. There is no overnight success that doesn’t come with a price to pay. Every dream that is dreamt to be big are the ones that really take a life to execute. It is what nowadays is called […]


Why Story?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Why Story?

Why Story? Great Content We are a business that focuses on bringing what we believe is great content. Because we believe that by delivering great content to which people can relate and empathise with help people be motivated and have the necessary thrust to start writing their own story. We NEED Stories This we believe […]


What Do We Want?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on What Do We Want?

What Do We Want? We believe that in order to give a great service we need to be clear on who we are and what do we want. This post will try to answer that question. In short what we want is to offer great content in whatever form possible and that we find interesting […]


What Do We Stand For?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on What Do We Stand For?

What Do We Stand For? We think that in order to make incredible things, we need to agree on some general values and principles that guide us in a certain direction. And in the end it is about a group of people that have certain beliefs that they share and that try to put something […]


Who Are We?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Who Are We?

Who Are We? We are basically a bunch of young people like these trying to find our way into the industry: We are young but we think that that isn’t an excuse or a wall that stops us from achieving something greater than ourselves. We’re kind of optimistic. But not optimistic in the sense of […]


What Do We Stand For?

What Do We Stand For?

We think that in order to make incredible things, we need to agree on some general values and principles that guide us in a certain direction. And in the end it is about a group of people that have certain beliefs that they share and that try to put something together.

So, we want to surround ourselves with people that believe what we believe. This does not mean that freedom of speech is not allowed, but the contrary is true. We surround ourselves with people that believe what we believe because it gives us the confidence to speak freely and share our ideas without feeling that we are being judged, because we know that the important things are the ones that us, as a whole, are after.

And that is what unites us. What we desire is the glue that makes us stay together and our beliefs are the starting point from which we start from. It is as simple as knowing where we are and where do we want to get to.

And what we believe is that movies could say more, that there is yet much more to cinema than what it already exists. That’s why we try to push the boundries of this young art form. That’s why we try to discover other stories, other characters other worlds in which we can loose ourselves with other people.

And what we believe is that in other to treat each other kindly we should follow a simple principle that has worked since the human being has been a human and empathetic being. 

It is called the golden rule:

“Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t do upon yourself”

There are different forms to describe the same principle:

  • One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (positive or directive form).
  • One should not treat others in ways that one wouldu not like to be treated (negative or prohibitive form).
  • What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself (empathic or responsive form).

We believe that people want to be treated nicely and kindly, that’s why we believe that this principle is quite reasonable and guarantees in some degree the well being of the individual and of the group as a whole.


A Long Way To Go

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on A Long Way To Go

A Long Way To Go Things have real value in life are things that take time. That’s that. There is no overnight success that doesn’t come with a price to pay. Every dream that is dreamt to be big are the ones that really take a life to execute. It is what nowadays is called […]


Why Story?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Why Story?

Why Story? Great Content We are a business that focuses on bringing what we believe is great content. Because we believe that by delivering great content to which people can relate and empathise with help people be motivated and have the necessary thrust to start writing their own story. We NEED Stories This we believe […]


What Do We Want?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on What Do We Want?

What Do We Want? We believe that in order to give a great service we need to be clear on who we are and what do we want. This post will try to answer that question. In short what we want is to offer great content in whatever form possible and that we find interesting […]


What Do We Stand For?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on What Do We Stand For?

What Do We Stand For? We think that in order to make incredible things, we need to agree on some general values and principles that guide us in a certain direction. And in the end it is about a group of people that have certain beliefs that they share and that try to put something […]


Who Are We?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Who Are We?

Who Are We? We are basically a bunch of young people like these trying to find our way into the industry: We are young but we think that that isn’t an excuse or a wall that stops us from achieving something greater than ourselves. We’re kind of optimistic. But not optimistic in the sense of […]


Who Are We?

Who Are We?

We are basically a bunch of young people like these trying to find our way into the industry:


We are young but we think that that isn’t an excuse or a wall that stops us from achieving something greater than ourselves. We’re kind of optimistic. But not optimistic in the sense of dreamy kids, but more in a more down to earth, practical fashion. Not for choice but almost by necessity. Because we had the good or bad luck to have been born when we did.

And our times are strange ones, where we are not afraid to act but where most people do not know what to act for. That’s weird.

So we gave ourselves a cause. That is to make a cultural revolution in the way we can.

Revolution meaning something new that disrupts with the way things were done in the past,


Cultural meaning everything involving culture, creativity and the sharing experience that comes hand in hand with the creative process.

Our goal is to look in the past and, with perspective, foresee what the future would look like and create it.

For example, if you were to create a painting, the thing you would do is look in the past to know what and how has been painted and foresee the future, the new painting, and create it.

Some people would find this quite obvious and others quite strange but we believe that the true key lies in this process (although for some people work in a subconscious level) and if you have studied history all great creators have done the same thing:

  • Identify a “problem”
  • Imagine a “solution” or “alternative”
  • Build it.

For us, the process follows the same steps and we want to walk you through it answering in the way the question who we are:


“Problem”: most commercial movies nowadays do not offer what we consider great value. This results in repetitive blockbusters that make enough millions in the first weekend to be commercially successful. Meanwhile independent filmmakers try to produce great content with great value but they are not fullfiling their fullest potential as the production cost per film is become each time greater. Ironically, the cost of prosumer equipment quality-price relationship is cheaper than ever.

So the question lies in why isn’t everyone making movies that change the paradigm of what film is?

The answer to that in a schematic way is simple (in real life various factor influence): WE (as a society) don’t know where we are (we’ll call this point A) therefore it’s very difficult to reach any particular destination, if there is one (we’ll call the destination point B)

In short, if we are in point A and we want to reach point B we need to know where we are to plan our way to where we want to be, as simple as that.

Our reality is that most people spend their lives without realizing where they are (although they have a “clear vision” of where they want to be).

For that we promote the philosophy of inward inspection and realization as we believe that this search within is the one that makes us realize where we truly are and enables us to achieve what we really want.


The solution, the alternative, we are proposing is a place/community where people are interested in that search within so as to know where we are and enables us to achieve what we really want. This is achieved by powerful and empowering ideas.

The language we chose to spread those ideas is film.

Film nowadays means video, short, feature, VOD, Vlog, streaming, etc. 

A lot of different forms for the same purpose that is spreading ideas that matter.

And that brings me to our last point in the list:

Build it

We believe that there are still a lot of ideas to discover and a lot of stories to be told, so the possibility is there but it’s up to us if we take them or not.

Mordalego is about building the community where ideas are shared, inventions are conceived and culture is created.

So join in the cause if you feel like it. No pressure, you can talk about anything you’d like, any ideas that you think are going to be relevant in the future, thought-provoking, about what could be better and what could be changed… any ideas that empower all of us for a dive within to self and an union with the whole!

“The industry, being such an important industry needs of a product that they can sell so people come back and consume, as a fast food chain…

Nobody is willing to write about something real, trully real… 

Everyone in the industry is trying to write the next noir film, nobody is thinking on writing about how they mistrust their brother”

(Francis Ford Coppola on Charlie Rose)


A Long Way To Go

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on A Long Way To Go

A Long Way To Go Things have real value in life are things that take time. That’s that. There is no overnight success that doesn’t come with a price to pay. Every dream that is dreamt to be big are the ones that really take a life to execute. It is what nowadays is called […]


Why Story?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Why Story?

Why Story? Great Content We are a business that focuses on bringing what we believe is great content. Because we believe that by delivering great content to which people can relate and empathise with help people be motivated and have the necessary thrust to start writing their own story. We NEED Stories This we believe […]


What Do We Want?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on What Do We Want?

What Do We Want? We believe that in order to give a great service we need to be clear on who we are and what do we want. This post will try to answer that question. In short what we want is to offer great content in whatever form possible and that we find interesting […]


What Do We Stand For?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on What Do We Stand For?

What Do We Stand For? We think that in order to make incredible things, we need to agree on some general values and principles that guide us in a certain direction. And in the end it is about a group of people that have certain beliefs that they share and that try to put something […]


Who Are We?

Ale Fito US Leave a Comment on Who Are We?

Who Are We? We are basically a bunch of young people like these trying to find our way into the industry: We are young but we think that that isn’t an excuse or a wall that stops us from achieving something greater than ourselves. We’re kind of optimistic. But not optimistic in the sense of […]