Search for key words, FORGET THE REST
Speed Reading Books – must reads!
The above are must reads!
In this post what will be discussed is the process through which you can devour books and texts through a speed reading technique that will change the way you read.
The Speed Reading technique
The technique consists on focusing only on nouns and adjectives today real importance for the understanding of the phrase. Forget the possessifs, the conjunctions, etc.
Speed Reading excersice
Let’s beggin with an example so you quickly catch up with the main idea behind this technique. Imagine you just read the first two paragraphs of this post, the thing is to try to spot all the nouns in these paragraphs:
- Post
- Process
- Books
- Texts
- Way
- Technique
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Understanding
- Phrase
- Possessifs
- Conjunctions
With these nouns you can get a pretty decent understanding of what the text is all about. But what you cannot really grasp the message the author wants to get through.
Now, to get around this what we’ll do is spot the verbs in the same first two paragraphs:
- Will be discussed
- Can devour
- Will change
- Read
- Consist
- Focusing
- Forget
With these verbs now you can really understand what the author wants you to focus on. Now you have a perspective.
If we now blend our nouns and verbs list together in other what we have is:
- Post
- Will be discussed
- Process
- Can devour
- Books
- Texts
- Technique
- Will change
- Technique
- Focusing
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Understanding
- Phrase
- Forget
- Possessifs
- Conjunctions
So now that you have read the list, imagine you weren’t allowed to read the first two paragraphs of this post but you were allowed to read the list from above.
I bet you would have almost the same understanding of the text than the one that actually read it, word by word…
If you were to become a pro speed reader, what you would do is only read the nouns and only the verbs that are in cursive from the list and forget the rest.
Speed reader gods, because they have a very good understanding of how texts are constructed and their structure, they just read the words that are underlined and forget everything else. They have a very selective eye that searches for the key words in a text while, at the same time, painting a picture of the general context.
Read a book in an hour!
Essentially, that’s why some people can read a book in an hour and enjoy it the same way and even better than someone who takes a week or two, even a month…
This the principle, in general terms, that most speed readers use, now it’s up to you to polish the technique and build the necessary eye and brain muscle to make it work!
Happy speed read and see you next time!

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