
What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it:

  • Repression
  • Regression
  • Projection
  • Reaction formation
  • Sublimation 

Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are different ways in which one might go around it.

We humans use the processes stated above to handle such anxiety and pressure that are threat.  These defense mechanisms may result in healthy or unhealthy consequences depending on the circumstances, but most of these mechanisms are triggered by our unconscious part of our mind.


You are a “SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR” that runs a successful business and all of the sudden you find yourself thinking why you are doing what you are doing, “that you are not worthy enough, that you should quit and that you won’t be able to face difficult challenges” as you have managed to handle in the past.

This is almost always an irrational and too general conclusion about oneself that most of us have face some time in their life.

Our unconscious mind then reacts to this irrational conclusion about ourselves because it’s job it’s mainly to protect us from any harm that may come upon us. So our mind defends itself by choosing one of the following defense mechanisms.

Defense Mechanisms: What do they do?

  • Repression: “burying a painful feeling or thought from one’s awareness even though it may resurface in a symbolic form” (Wikipedia, 2019)

This is the stereotypical “successful businessman” that goes about his day doing the same things as before but not performing at his best because he, all of the sudden, deep inside of him, the thought of him not being worthy enough or not good enough is starting to grow.

When you ask him if something is wrong, he will answer you that “everything is OK”. If you accuse him of him thinking that he is not worthy enough, he will deny it.

  • Regression: “falling back into an early state of mental/physical development seen as less demanding and safer.” (Wikipedia, 2019)

In this case, “The successful business man” will out of the blue quit the job and return to his parent’s house for no good reason other than he lives a much more quieter and peaceful life at his parent’s, like when he was thirteen.

  • Projection: “possessing a feeling that is designed as socially unacceptable and instead of facing it, that feeling or “unconscious urge” is seen in the actions of other people.” (Wikipedia, 2019)

Here, “the successful businessman” will tease other people for not having enough confidence in themselves, he will rationalize every social interaction by reasoning that it is a lack of confidence the reason why this person is not giving all he has got for a particular job, when the truth might be as simple as that he had to spend the weekend at the hospital because his father was sick. As absurd as that it can get.

  • Reaction formation: “acting the opposite way that the unconscious instructs a person to behave, “often exaggerated and obsessive”.” (Wikipedia, 2019)

This is one of the funniest ones. Imagine the same “successful business man” that has a lack of confidence, one of the ways to go around It is, although your unconscious mind is telling you “you are nothing and you don’t deserve anything”, you start to taking conscious actions like coming too strongly to people, dressing with bright colors, saying out loud every opinion comes to your head and taking a new accent because that’s what you think what confident people do.

There is also the other type, the one that does his research about what confident people do,


FINDS: “9 Qualities of Remarkably Confident People


AND studies the 9 traits to become “confident”.

This is not a bad thing, but in most cases it won’t come out as organic if one is continuously thinking what a confident person would do in my situation.

Confident people don’t think about what a confident person might do in his situation. They just find the right answers to that organically because that is the way they feel about it.

As simple as that.

  • Sublimation: “seen as the most acceptable of the mechanisms, an expression of anxiety in socially acceptable ways.” (Wikipedia, 2019)

If the successful entrepreneur/businessman were to sublimate his sudden lack of confidence, he might find creative and new ways to rediscover his true potential, by taking on great risk and responsibilities, step by step, that will help him work out the confidence muscle to a point where he is fit again to fight the fight.

So do not worry, take it step by step, do things that PROGRESSIVELY will boost your confidence, there is no fast lane to get there, just a personal journey that develops over time.

Hope you liked it, see you next time!

What to Do when DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on What to Do when DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION , , , Leave a Comment on How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]


4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION , , , , Leave a Comment on 4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

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Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]


For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]


Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps)

How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps)

First of all if you don’t remember what foley was and you need to take a peek, do it here. In here I cover what foley is and where in the process of audio post-production lies exactly.

Well, let’s suppose you are about to begin the foley process of your film and it’s the first time you go around it and you don’t know where o start. Ok, don’t stress out, in here you will find a pretty decent guide on how to start as soon as you finish reading this post. 

Step 1

Get your equipo together.

What you will need essentially is:

  • A PC that is capable of running smoothly Pro Tools or any other sound editing software. This is essential when doing foley as you will be playing the movie and recording simultaneously.
  • A mixing table or a pre amp that is connected to your PC. You will control through this device the amount of gain your output signal is carrying.
  • An XLR cable. This will connect your mixing table/preamp to your mic.
  • A microphone. For this specific case of recording foley, that means recording extra audio for the already recorded audio on set, what you really want is that the audio that you are recording on the post-production phase resembles as closely as possible the audio that the boom operator picked up on set. This way you prevent the audio from post differ too much to the sound of the dialogue tracks recorded on set.
  • A mic stand. This is pretty cheap and you can find easily on the internet.

I leave you here the link to the mic stand, the mic, the mixing table and every piece of gear we used for the film DOPPEL. But the more you can expend in better gear, the better.

Step 2

Find a safe acoustic environment in where you will create all the sounds for foley.

You have essentially two basic options when it comes to this point:

  • Find someone that is willing to offer you that already treated space. (This is least likely option)
  • Create a safe acoustic environment that will become your new foley studio. For that it’s key that you have an understanding of how sound waves propagate and try to kill any sound reflections coming from the walls of the room you want to do the foley process.

This is a video in which I cover how you can create your own home studio.

Step 3

Get your Pro Tools session ready.

For that I here leave you guys a video that covers all the steps necessary from having an inexistent organisation to being organised like PRO inside your new Pro Tools session.

Step 4

Record your sounds for each and every object/prop, movement and footsteps of your characters for your movie.

In Pro Tools it’s dead easy to record sounds for foley for your film.

You just need to import your video to the new session you’ve created inside Pro Tools and hit the recording button on the track you want to record and hit the recording button sitting on top of your timeline in Pro Tools.

Here there is a visual explanation of what I am talking about…

Things to take into consideration before hitting the record button: how to set your gain for recording and knowing when to apply effects to your audio clips.

How to set your gain for recording it’s dead easy but difficult to guess if you are not really into audio.

Here I leave you guys a post in which I talk about how to set your gain for recording.

In short, what you want is for your output signal to be around -12dB (peaking), that way you have enough room for the audio not to peak at 0dB. You don’t want to set your gain to high because you will get distorsion. And neither you want to set your gain too low because you will get pink noise coming in from your mixer and your mic (from almost any device that it’s standing between the sound you want record and your PC.

There are many videos on the web on how to apply effects to your clips but the golden rule for audio is: “the less you touch, the better”.

But if you are compelled to applying effects to your audio clips I strongly recommend that you get a high fidelity audio system (may that be a really good pair of headphones or two awesome speakers). Either way, before applying any effects you need to know that your audio system is giving you a completely flat response and it’s not colouring your bases or your highs.

If you want more information on how to cope with the audio post-production process here I leave you a link to my personal post-production playlist of youtube where you will find everything discussed above and tons of useful information. Also, in here you will find professional foley artists and audio engineers recording sounds for feature length films and series! 

Hope this was useful and see you guys next time!



How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps)

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION , , , Leave a Comment on How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps)

How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps) First of all if you don’t remember what foley was and you need to take a peek, do it here. In here I cover what foley is and where in the process of audio post-production lies exactly. Well, let’s suppose you are about to begin the […]


Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide)

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION , , , Leave a Comment on Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide)

Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide) One of the most important things when planifying the post process of a feature film is what ORDER is the most efficient to follow of them all. In here we will talk about which is the most common order for audio post-production: Dialogue editing ADR […]


Sync Dialogue in Premiere Pro and export AAF to Pro Tools (3 STEPS)

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION , Leave a Comment on Sync Dialogue in Premiere Pro and export AAF to Pro Tools (3 STEPS)

Sync Dialogue in Premiere Pro and export AAF to Pro Tools (3 STEPS) The key question here is: You have finished shooting your short, documentary or feature film and you have as well already edited your film but only the visual part (if this is the way you come around it). Now you would like […]


ProTools Editing Principles for Filmmaking

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION , , Leave a Comment on ProTools Editing Principles for Filmmaking

ProTools Editing Principles for Filmmaking Pro Tools 12.5 Here I leave you a list of the key principles you will use when editing and mixing sound for film, therefore and without further delay here it is…  Quick Steps when Creating a New Session: Step 1: NAME THE TRACK (SET A MASTER FADER FIRST WHEN CREATING […]


Edit your feature film in ONE vs SEVERAL Premiere Pro projects

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION Leave a Comment on Edit your feature film in ONE vs SEVERAL Premiere Pro projects

Edit your feature film in ONE vs SEVERAL Premiere Pro projects When it comes to editing a YouTube video it’s clear. You would do only one Premiere project where you would edit the whole thing as it is a 10 minute video. But what if that video wasn’t a YouTube video and instead it was […]


Why the Director Should Be the Editor of the Film

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION Leave a Comment on Why the Director Should Be the Editor of the Film

Why the Director Should Be the Editor of the Film Sean Baker. The Florida Project. David Lean. In which we serve. A passage to India (Oscar nomination for editing) David Lynch (2 features). Eraserhead. Inland empire. Shane Carruth (2 features). Primer. Upstream Color. The Coen Brothers (14 features). They have edited all of their films […]


Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide)​

Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide)

One of the most important things when planifying the post process of a feature film is what ORDER is the most efficient to follow of them all.

In here we will talk about which is the most common order for audio post-production:

  • Dialogue editing
  • ADR (Automated Dialogue Recording)
  • Sound Design
  • Foley
  • Music composition and editing
  • Mixing

Dialogue Editing

At this stage, what you want to do is edit your whole project in Premiere Pro or whatever video editing software you have at your disposal, sync the good audiio to the good takes and move on with the process of audio editing in a more specialised software than Premiere like Pro Tools or Audition.

If you have trouble with how to cope with this stage of the process and making the transition from Premiere to Pro Tools, check out this post where I cover in depth how to do just that!


ADR stands for Automated Dialogue Recording.

It makes reference to all of the pieces of dialogue that have to be recorded in a safe acoustic environment like a sound studio where actors come and perform their lines that the boom operator didn’t really take on set. This includes all of the lines of dialogue that are messed up ambient noise like a car passing by or a truck.

As well, all of the audio clips of audio recorders, radios, speakers or whatever device that was supposed to be playing on set and wasn’t so as not spoil the dialogue recording of the characters, all of these dialogue audio clips will be recorded in the same safe acoustic environment described before. Later you will make them sound as if they were coming from a speaker in the mixing stage.

Sound Design

This is the sound process of creating audio effects for the picture.

The Person in charge of this stage is the sound designer, who will record all of the wild tracks, background noises of the picture and any special sound effects.

At this stage what the sound designer will record on field, will do heavy processing of that audio and add electronic synthesis (all of this if needed).


At this stage the audio engineer (at the mixing table) and the foley artist (in a safe acoustic environment, probably a foley studio) they both will create all of the sounds of the picture that the directional mic (the boompole) didn’t get because it was focused on picking up the dialogue on set.

These types of sounds include:

  • Objects / Props: (From a sword to a phone) essentially every object inside the scene that our character picks up or interacts with in someway.
  • Movement: typically the movement of the character’s clothes (these include trousers, jackets, pulls, etc.)
  • Steps: every character has a different pair of shoes, different height, and different weight, therefore their steps should be different from one another.

All of the sounds above described are afterwards synched with the picture so that they are BANGING SYNCHED! This is often achieved by replicating the movement and actions of the characters as well as possible and afterwards the audio engineer will cut and edit these audio clips in a program like Pro Tools so that it is actually banging synched.

Here I leave you guys a video in which you see the foley process of a professional foley studio, step by step for the “Night Manager”


Music Composition and Editing

For each movie or project this process will be different.

For instance, Hans Zimmer will need an orchestra and a very expensive hall for the orchestra to play in and record the drums of the “Dark Knight”. Others like Vangelis will only need a more or less safe acoustic room where he can compose and edit the synthetic music (that goes straight to his computer) to create the original soundtrack of “Blade Runner”.

So it depends on what kind of instruments you want to include in your soundtrack and the implications of each choice (if they are acoustic or synthetic instruments)…

I strongly recommend to investigate first which are the instruments that fit best your project and what budget you have in mind.

(DISCLAIMER: Most free pluggins for orchestral sounds for Pro Tools or any other audio software are trash. You will need to PAY if you want to include a VST pluggin for strings)


All audio is then mixed!

This means balanced.

At this stage you set the appropriate volume of each track and audio clip and EQ if needed. Then you have master volume controls that allow you to set the overall volume of the dialogue tracks, the foley tracks, the music and background noise…

Mixing is an extensive topic that we cover in a seperate post that you will find in the POST category of the BLOG page.



Hope all of this information was useful to you and see you next time!


How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps)

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION , , , Leave a Comment on How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps)

How to Record Foley like a PRO (4 Steps) First of all if you don’t remember what foley was and you need to take a peek, do it here. In here I cover what foley is and where in the process of audio post-production lies exactly. Well, let’s suppose you are about to begin the […]


Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide)​

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION , , , Leave a Comment on Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide)​

Post-Production Audio: What ORDER to follow? (Step by Step Guide) One of the most important things when planifying the post process of a feature film is what ORDER is the most efficient to follow of them all. In here we will talk about which is the most common order for audio post-production: Dialogue editing ADR […]


Sync Dialogue in Premiere Pro and export AAF to Pro Tools (3 STEPS)

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION , Leave a Comment on Sync Dialogue in Premiere Pro and export AAF to Pro Tools (3 STEPS)

Sync Dialogue in Premiere Pro and export AAF to Pro Tools (3 STEPS) The key question here is: You have finished shooting your short, documentary or feature film and you have as well already edited your film but only the visual part (if this is the way you come around it). Now you would like […]


ProTools Editing Principles for Filmmaking

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION , , Leave a Comment on ProTools Editing Principles for Filmmaking

ProTools Editing Principles for Filmmaking Pro Tools 12.5 Here I leave you a list of the key principles you will use when editing and mixing sound for film, therefore and without further delay here it is…  Quick Steps when Creating a New Session: Step 1: NAME THE TRACK (SET A MASTER FADER FIRST WHEN CREATING […]


Edit your feature film in ONE vs SEVERAL Premiere Pro projects

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION Leave a Comment on Edit your feature film in ONE vs SEVERAL Premiere Pro projects

Edit your feature film in ONE vs SEVERAL Premiere Pro projects When it comes to editing a YouTube video it’s clear. You would do only one Premiere project where you would edit the whole thing as it is a 10 minute video. But what if that video wasn’t a YouTube video and instead it was […]


Why the Director Should Be the Editor of the Film

Ale Fito POSTPRODUCTION Leave a Comment on Why the Director Should Be the Editor of the Film

Why the Director Should Be the Editor of the Film Sean Baker. The Florida Project. David Lean. In which we serve. A passage to India (Oscar nomination for editing) David Lynch (2 features). Eraserhead. Inland empire. Shane Carruth (2 features). Primer. Upstream Color. The Coen Brothers (14 features). They have edited all of their films […]


How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)


In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever.

The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most of his time in some sort of virtual reality.

It is very different to create a story that lasts two hours from a story that lasts two months. Now imagine if you had to create a story that will have to last years…

This is where AI (Artificial Intelligence) comes in.

If you had to create stories for players that would want to play for years in a total immersive environment, the most probable thing is that you will develop a mechanism to make that sustainable.

Therefore, the most probable thing that were to happen if we had the technology (that we eventually will have) is to let A.I. continue the story. As it is a machine that understands as well as you how the story that has been created works. And maybe it is capable of making better than his creators.

It is just a matter of time that A.I. takes up most of the work. Transportation accounts for around 12% of the economy and now, with the invention of autonomous cars, it is just a matter of time that all of those workers in the transportation sector face unemployment.

Imagine a world where A.I. could be implemented in any area of our lives, for any kind of work. And not only that, but machines would do the job 100 times better than us…

What then?

My guess is that, although this can cause dangerous and tense situations for our society, we will manage to overcome them. Because we have always done it and because we will keep doing it. It is in our nature to survive no matter how tense or dangerous the situation.

So in the end, my guess is that, although well-being will be as good as never before, most people will have a lot of time to kill. This will translate into more time spent in some sort of entertainment. My guess is virtual reality.

And the experience of virtual reality will be way better than watching a movie. In fact, watching a movie would be “vintage” or an old thing that we or our kids used to do but our grandchildren do not really find it cool anymore.

Virtual reality will be the new cool. It will be the thing.

That’s where I think stories are headed.

Storytellers will abandon cinema and Netflix series for the sake the new, better and more profitable market that will dominate the world: virtual reality.

All of these topics and matters I study them in depth in my new book that I am currently working on. So if you are interested on what my take is on what will happen and how storytellers will have to adapt and focus on to still be ahead of the curve, stay tuned for when it’s going to come out!

See you next time!



What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (The Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario)

What to Do when SELF-DOUBT CREEPS IN? (5 WAYS) (Successful Entrepreneur Case Scenario) Psychologically there are about 5 ways to go around it: Repression Regression Projection Reaction formation Sublimation Mental health is crucial for having a balanced and happy life. And when true doubt about one self and one’s true potential creeps in, there are […]



How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION , , , Leave a Comment on How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory)

How will the Future of Story look like? (A.I. Theory) In a world dominated by machines and artificial intelligence and where the only affordable and real escape is virtual reality, story would have then changed forever. The old structures of storytelling used for centuries will no longer be useful as the gamer will spend most […]



4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION , , , , Leave a Comment on 4 Steps to Become a Master at Anything!

4 Steps to be a Master at Anything! The 4 steps that any master has to go through in order to become a true master at what they do are: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence So what all of this mean? What do these 4 steps have in common with filmmaking, cameras, […]



Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial!

Let’s Face It, All Movies Are Superficial! Beware, this is a kind of philosophical post. Be prepared to challenge yourself to think in abstract terms. In essence, a movie it’s just a representation of something else, might that be an idea, a story that happened in real life or a character. In the end the […]



For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on For Writers: Take An HOUR A Day For Yourself

For Writers: Take An Hour For Yourself A Day “If you don’t have five minutes to yourself you don’t have a Life.” That’s what Tommy Robin’s says before diving into his morning meditation ritual before he begins his day. 2 Kinds of People That for being with yourself it may be enough for some people. […]



Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

Ale Fito IDEA & MEDITATION Leave a Comment on Keep Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown

KEEP Your Head Above The TSUNAMI When You Know You’re Gonna Drown When you drown For this particular post I must beggin with a quote: We suffer more in imagination than in reality Seneca Why this quote? Simple. Because while you’re reading this post you are not drowning. But enough of absurd logic. The truth […]


What determines the VALUE of STUFF… How Much is Your Movie is Worth?

What determines the VALUE of STUFF… How Much is Your Movie is Worth?

I believe that the value of stuff is given by the service or use it provides to society. It is about how much does society need that particular product.

The price of a shirt

Ok, so if I need a shirt in order to don’t walk naked in the middle of the street, i will need to pay X money to get that shirt. This quantity I’m paying is making up for the costs of the shirt and for the profit of the manufacturer , distributor, etc.

This help everyone in the making-shirts-business to still keep doing shirt business. As simple as that.

But then if that were the case for everything, every product would have an objectively reasonable price… and this is not the case. This almost never the case.

Then question arises…

What determined the worth r value of a product, what determines its price?

In a digital world controlled by algorithms that constantly change their parameters to fit the price that the potential consumer is ready to pay, we could simply say that it’s the algorithm’s fault that I pay 10X the price that I believe is reasonable for an Amazon product.

Because it is only from Massimo Dutti?

But that would be just too simple to be true. The truth is much more complex and diverse. Not a white or black tone, but a middle grey with a lot of shades.

The 10X priced shirt

So, why do we pay for a product that we believe we should pay X dollars, 10X it’s “reasonable price”?

There are a lot of reasons for this, a lot marketing strategies that are applied along the way, but I will only concentrate on this post in one technique that I find really interesting.

Tell a story before you make sell

That technique is the one of telling a story with the product you want to sell.

It is the same technique that has been used to sell to you the iPhone or Mac where you are currently reading this post, it is the same technique that has been used to create multi-billion dollar empire of Ralph Lauren and it is why so many people buy merchandising.

What’s behind telling a story to sell a product?

What is Apple really doing when you watch a TV commercial of the new iPhone or Apple watch?

What they are doing is only show you the product at the end of the commercial, because they know the importance of communicating ideas effectively so the viewer identifies himself with the values and the belief system that the brand is trying to communicate.

What do we see in an iPhone commercial? People having fun and wonderful experiences (may they be worries experiences or leisure experiences) and technology not getting in the way of that and guaranteeing that wonderful experience through a wonderful design.

Because that it’s what’s important: ideas, feelings because they help us understand the world we live in.

Because let’s not lie to ourselves, we don’t have a clue on how this world works in it’s fullest detail, we don’t know our purpose in this chaotic but yet organised arbitrary world.

Because we want to understand who we are, what is our core essence, what we are made of and more importantly, why we are here.

Because we don’t know who we are, because we don’t know why we are here.

Because they help us simplify reality. Because we get the feeling that we belong.

That is what good brands specialize in. That’s why their prices are so high. That’s why you’ll keep on buying them no matter what.

See you next time!


What determines the VALUE of STUFF… How Much is Your Movie is Worth?

Ale Fito IDEA & BUDGET Leave a Comment on What determines the VALUE of STUFF… How Much is Your Movie is Worth?

What determines the VALUE of STUFF… How Much is Your Movie is Worth? I believe that the value of stuff is given by the service or use it provides to society. It is about how much does society need that particular product. The price of a shirt Ok, so if I need a shirt in […]


Learn Film in Class vs by Doing

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DO What YOU CAN’T! – Casey Neistat

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What YOU Will Use Is What Others Have If you really are someone that itu2019s trying to make it as a director the one most important thing that you need to love is working with people. Movies take in avarege 2 to even 5 years to finish for big time directors like Darren Aronofsky. So […]


Why YOU Should Do A Low Budget Film And Why You Are More Likely To Finish It

Ale Fito IDEA & BUDGET Leave a Comment on Why YOU Should Do A Low Budget Film And Why You Are More Likely To Finish It

Why YOU Should Do A Low Budget Film And Why You’re More Likely To Finish It Spend all your money to become a filmmaker?! If you really decide to become an independent filmmaker, the best thing you could do is spend all the money you have in the bank, get in debt with all your […]


What Is the BUDGET of An IDEA?

Ale Fito IDEA & BUDGET Leave a Comment on What Is the BUDGET of An IDEA?

What Is The BUDGET of An IDEA? How much does a movie cost? Most people that have a notion of how much does a zombie’s film cost will probably tell you that you cannot produce a good zombie film if you don’t have at least 5 million in your pocket. And that might be true […]