Will being An Ass Help You be Successful? There are countless examples of people that over their extraordinary careers have been assholes with the people in their team and despite that they have accomplished great things. Great leader examples Some examples of extraordinary people that achieved extraordinary success and have been assholes are Steve Jobs, […]
Only WORRY about What You Can CONTROL, FORGET the REST Haven’t you had the feeling of overwhelming and stress when you face multiple challenges at the same time and you don’t know which one to tackle first? If you hesitate the wave will definitely hit you so hard that you won’t be able to get […]
OVERCOME COMPLAINING Right NOW! Energy cannot be destroyed The key principle here is that “energy cannot be destroyed, it only can change or be transformed, but never dissappear” What does this statement have in common with what Jack Ma talks about from a business perspective? Complaints from a business perspective Well, from a business perspective, […]
IT’S KEY! Have a CLEAR VISION of What YOU Want Should you bend just for a paycheck? There’ll be a lot of times during a job that you will think: “Why am I doing this? Should I be doing this? Should I be spending my time and efforts in something that I don’t really like […]
How to Work Less and Increase Productivity (4 Steps) | Tim Ferrissn As most that follow my posts you know that I am a true fan of the Tim Ferriss Show, and as I was scrolling down his YouTube channel to know his beginnings, I found a great video where he explains what steps are […]
2 Great Things That Came Out From The Worst Failure Of Robert Rodríguez The Tim Ferris Show One of the great things of being on any types of media is that you get huge amount of exposure. Tim Ferriss the founder of The Tim Ferriss Show knows this and his guest Robert Rodru00edguez knows as […]
Go ALL THE WAY With Camera Gear Should you or should you not change of camera gear during production? Most indie films take a lot of time get finished. They usually take more time than Hollywood movies to get made if they don’t have a specific budget of a number of millions. And this is […]
How long does the production stage take? The only reasonable answer to this matter is that it varies from production to production. BUT, There are certain key principles you can apply and that will make your life much easier during production. TIME… DON’T STRESS ABOUT IT, PREPARE FOR IT If you are doing a story […]
Work With Who YOU Trust I can’t stress this point enough. Working with who you trust is EVERYTHING. Potato Jet Confesses Potato Jet a YouTuber discusses this topic as well in his YouTube channel and his experience in Hollywood for over 10 years! To sum up, Potato Jet says that particularly in Hollywood you’ll find […]
It’s A Marathon Not A Sprint There is a movie that talks about the SAME topic as this post: “Hustlers”, staring Paul Newman and George C. Scott. Great movie: an all times classic. What’s the Hustler’s story about? The story is quite simple really. There is a hustler Eddie Felson, Paul Newman, that plays pool […]
Will being An Ass Help You be Successful? There are countless examples of people that over their extraordinary careers have been assholes with the people in their team and despite that they have accomplished great things. Great leader examples Some examples of extraordinary people that achieved extraordinary success and have been assholes are Steve Jobs, […]
Only WORRY about What You Can CONTROL, FORGET the REST Haven’t you had the feeling of overwhelming and stress when you face multiple challenges at the same time and you don’t know which one to tackle first? If you hesitate the wave will definitely hit you so hard that you won’t be able to get […]
OVERCOME COMPLAINING Right NOW! Energy cannot be destroyed The key principle here is that “energy cannot be destroyed, it only can change or be transformed, but never dissappear” What does this statement have in common with what Jack Ma talks about from a business perspective? Complaints from a business perspective Well, from a business perspective, […]
IT’S KEY! Have a CLEAR VISION of What YOU Want Should you bend just for a paycheck? There’ll be a lot of times during a job that you will think: “Why am I doing this? Should I be doing this? Should I be spending my time and efforts in something that I don’t really like […]
How to Work Less and Increase Productivity (4 Steps) | Tim Ferrissn As most that follow my posts you know that I am a true fan of the Tim Ferriss Show, and as I was scrolling down his YouTube channel to know his beginnings, I found a great video where he explains what steps are […]
2 Great Things That Came Out From The Worst Failure Of Robert Rodríguez The Tim Ferris Show One of the great things of being on any types of media is that you get huge amount of exposure. Tim Ferriss the founder of The Tim Ferriss Show knows this and his guest Robert Rodru00edguez knows as […]
Go ALL THE WAY With Camera Gear Should you or should you not change of camera gear during production? Most indie films take a lot of time get finished. They usually take more time than Hollywood movies to get made if they don’t have a specific budget of a number of millions. And this is […]
How long does the production stage take? The only reasonable answer to this matter is that it varies from production to production. BUT, There are certain key principles you can apply and that will make your life much easier during production. TIME… DON’T STRESS ABOUT IT, PREPARE FOR IT If you are doing a story […]
Work With Who YOU Trust I can’t stress this point enough. Working with who you trust is EVERYTHING. Potato Jet Confesses Potato Jet a YouTuber discusses this topic as well in his YouTube channel and his experience in Hollywood for over 10 years! To sum up, Potato Jet says that particularly in Hollywood you’ll find […]
It’s A Marathon Not A Sprint There is a movie that talks about the SAME topic as this post: “Hustlers”, staring Paul Newman and George C. Scott. Great movie: an all times classic. What’s the Hustler’s story about? The story is quite simple really. There is a hustler Eddie Felson, Paul Newman, that plays pool […]